
Immunity – A Homeopathic View

In biology, immunity is the balanced state of having adequate biological defenses to fight infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion, while having adequate tolerance to avoid inflammation, allergy, and autoimmune diseases.
In addition, we all know that chronic stress can weaken the body’s immune system causing us to be more susceptible to disease.
Susceptibility can be considered as the reaction of the organism to external and internal influences. In some cases individuals are affected by a pathogen causing illness and in other cases the same pathogen has no effect on another individual. In analyzing susceptibility, we find it is largely an expression of a vacuum in the individual.
Jonas Salk, medical researcher and virologist, once stated that there are two primary approaches to treating ill people. He said that there are therapeutic techniques that directly impact specific symptoms, and there are methods that stimulate the body’s own immune and defense system. Stimulating the body’s own immune system is the approach commonly used by homeopathic medicines.
In homeopathy we recognize life in three parts, the body, the mind and the spirit. Spirit in homeopathy denotes a spiritual vital force or ‘life force’ that animates the material body and maintains all parts of the organism in harmonious operation, as regards both sensations and functions.
When a person falls ill, it is only this spiritual (self-acting vital force) everywhere present in the body that is primarily deranged by the influence of an infecting agent.
Any disturbance of this vital energy shows its lack of harmony through outward manifestations or, in other words, symptoms. When harmonious functioning is disturbed, we get sickness as a result.
In disease, the effort of the vital force to function under adverse circumstances, precedes and develops the pathological states. Symptoms are the outward and visible signs of the inward disturbance of the vital force which will ultimately produce an illness.
Disease itself can’t be observed; we can only see and record the effects of disease, i.e., the symptoms. We only recognize disease as it is manifest in symptoms; the inner expressions of disease are dynamic or energetic in nature and the outward expressions (symptoms) are functional.
The very foundation of homeopathic practice considers a person as an individual where all parts comprise a well-balanced whole. Homeopathy, therefore, does not consider any one part as being ill, but considers the manifestation of illness in one part in its relation to the whole individual.
Homeopathy is concerned only with disease in its primary, functional, or dynamic aspect, not in its ultimate and so-called pathological results. These pathological results are not in any sense the disease but are the results of disease conditions.
Homeopathic medicines are mainly prepared from minerals, plants and animal products existing in nature with their own energetic forces. Due to their method of preparation of dilution and succession (vigorous shaking) the medicines absorb the energy of the original substance even though no material molecules remain.
A homeopathic medicine is selected based on the Law of Similars, i.e., that which produces symptoms in a healthy person will cure those symptoms in a sick person. As a disease is a disturbance of the body’s vital force that produces symptoms as an outward expression of the disease it makes sense to address the disturbance at its source. If you can cause the vital force disturbance to be removed and the body brought back into harmony, then the outward expression of symptoms is also automatically removed.
That is why in homeopathic treatment the individual is treated as a whole. For example, a skin condition is looked at as a symptom of an internal expression of a deranged vital force. Treat the derangement of the vital force and the skin condition expression is no longer needed.
Homeopathic treatment seeks to relieve the individual as much as possible from any burden of hereditary tendencies he carries (susceptibility vacuums), and guard against increasing this load by enabling his vital energy to provide its own immunity against disease.

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