At the deepest level homeopathic medicine, used in accordance with the Law of Similars on which homeopathy is based, is preventive as well as curative. Homeopathic remedies do not wade in and “zap” offending organisms, leaving the immune system less able to cope than before.
Quite the opposite; they nudge the immune system – not only the white cell populations of the body but also the mental and emotional states which keep those populations healthy – into greater responsiveness and readiness so that disease is kept away or prevented from recurring.
In fact, homeopaths are trained to look for diseases before they happen. When a homeopath prescribes constitutionally, he or she is prescribing not only for the present ailment but for tendencies which have not yet manifested themselves as medically recognized ailments.
Disease prevention, or prophylaxis, has always been the preferred route for medicine. Folk wisdom tells us that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Good constitutional treatment removes a host of predispositions that are linked to the susceptibility to acute and chronic infectious diseases. If the inner terrain is healthy the patient is more resistant to infection in general and increases immunity.
As in all preventative medicine this must be combined with good diet, careful hygiene and sanitation, and healthy living conditions. Innate susceptibility resides in the predispositions of the physical constitution and mental temperament. Poor diet, stressful emotional conflict, trauma, abuse and poor living and working conditions may further aggravate these innate predispositions.
Predispositions include inherited and acquired tendencies as well as the effects of the stress of life. Homeopathic treatment of the individual removes the underlying predispositions providing a strong vitality, which is more resistant to stress as well as diseases. Constitutional treatment is the central method of homo-prophylaxis.
Constitutional remedies work in such a manner that they can prevent heart attacks, cancer and other serious diseases from developing in later years. They also change the internal terrain so that there is less susceptibility to infectious diseases, or at least reduce their severity so they are easy to treat.
Homeopathy recognizes that there are specifics remedies for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases. These specific remedies are also chosen by the totality of the symptoms, but rather than in one individual, the remedies are chosen on the basis of a collective case involving numerous patients. This method is very effective in diseases of common cause and similar symptoms that affect a homogeneous group. These Genus epidemicus remedies and nosodes mainly work against one target disease while constitutional remedies prevent manifold conditions.
Nosodes are prepared from substances taken from discharges or diseased tissue of a diseased person or animal. The nosodes are made in accordance with homeopathic principles and are diluted and succussed so that no material molecules of the disease is still present. These nosodes and specific epidemic or pandemic remedies have proven to be successful in the treatment of many infectious diseases currently and in the past.
Nosodes and vaccinations work on the same principle of the ‘Law of Similars’ but unlike vaccinations homeopathic medicines do not contain any material substances.
Homeopaths have found that these remedies used to treat someone with an infectious disease will also protect those around them if the remedies are given to them as a preventative.
The history of homeopathy attests to its effectiveness in treating infectious diseases and also in preventing them. In the great influenza pandemic of 1918, according to reported data, the mortality rate of flu cases treated by orthodox medicine was 28.2% while those treated homeopathically was only 1.05%. Today, one can protect themselves to a high degree against the flu by taking the nosode, Influenzinum as a preventative.
In the book “Homeopathy and Epidemic Diseases”, the author confirms the effectiveness of the nosode, Pertussin, in the prevention of whooping cough. Trials done in Brazil on the Meningococcal nosode evidenced effectiveness over 90% against the disease. The Tuberculinum nosode has the potential to prevent TB infection in those predisposed due to inheritance. Many other nosodes and specific remedies have proven effective as a cure and as a preventative against a myriad of infectious diseases.
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