The market place is awash these days with a bewildering array of detoxification products. As well as the herbal and nutritional formulations being used for this purpose, homeopathy also has a significant role to play here, and there are a number of different levels at which homeopathic medicines can act to provide a significant detoxification or drainage effect.
Drainage remedies can be targeted at a particular organ, or targeted at a group of substances, or they can be targeted at a specific chemical or material substance that may be involved in the pathology.
Toxins is a general term given to accumulated waste products. These can generally be divided into three distinct groups;
• Exogenous wastes – such as those ingested (chemical wastes derived from foods or drug therapy) or inhaled,
• Endogenous wastes – such as those produced by bacteria, viruses or the body’s reaction to them (pus, etc.), or those produced by normal metabolism
• Autogenous wastes – these relate to an individual’s genetic or miasmatic potential for generating particular kinds of wastes that have an affinity for particular varieties of tissue, such as can be seen in situations such as arthritis.
Many if not most disease processes occur either as a direct result of, or are aggravated by, accumulated wastes, which may have been processed by the body in an inappropriate manner. Commonly accepted examples of gross toxicity can be found in the liver in persons suffering from jaundice, and in the gastrointestinal tract with constipation.
More subtle toxin accumulation can reduce the efficiency of a vast array of physiological activities by altering intracellular and extracellular pH and disturbing the functions of numerous enzymatic and other reactions. Acute symptoms such as fevers and inflammation may be seen as attempts to rid the body of toxic materials.
Chronic diseases such as the arthritides and many skin conditions may reflect a self-generated or an inherited inability to remove wastes from the affected area, and often the autogenous wastes that these processes create can contribute to and prolong the disease.
Any condition which is either chronic in its nature, or fails to respond to treatment within a reasonable time, should be considered for detoxification. Detoxification should also be considered (once the possibility for any serious pathology has been excluded) in cases where there is a chronic lack of vitality, the person in question suffers from continual infections and is susceptible to almost every common disease trigger, multiple allergies, continual headaches or digestive disorders, or chronic skin or respiratory disorders.
Types of detoxification remedies that can be used:
1. Organ drainage remedies – these consist of such things as Chelidonium for the liver, Berberis vulgaris for the kidneys, Ceonathus for the spleen, Phosphorus for the lungs, Strophanthus for the heart, Syzygium for the pancreas, Aloe for the rectum, Phytolacca for the lymphatic system.
2. Material specific drainage remedies – these remedies may cover specific groups of materials; for example, Silica for metallic materials, Nux vomica for stimulants and fat soluble materials such as drugs and other chemicals, Arsenicum album for food based toxins, Thuja for vaccine materials, Cadmium sulph for chemotherapy drugs.
Specific materials may be used isopathically for drainage. Substances such as Mercury in homeopathic potency (Mercurius) may be used to drain mercury from the body. Plumbum metallicum may help remove lead, Ferrum metallicum can be used to remove iron and, other metals such as copper, aluminum and zinc may be dealt with in the same way.
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