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Overview of Homeopathy

The name ‘Homeopathy’ is derived from the Greek ‘homeo’ meaning similar and, ‘pathy’ meaning suffering. As we will see Homeopathy is based on the Law of Similars but it is much more than that. Homeopathy was founded in the 18th into the 19th century by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann. …

Homeopathy for Menopause

While current medical practice views menopause as if it were an age-related disease, in actuality, it is a natural and inevitable transition from one stage of life to another. While some women experience uncomfortable symptoms reflecting the body’s changing hormonal balance, others experience few or none. In fact, in some …

Homeopathy for Detoxification

The market place is awash these days with a bewildering array of detoxification products. As well as the herbal and nutritional formulations being used for this purpose, homeopathy also has a significant role to play here, and there are a number of different levels at which homeopathic medicines can act …

Homeopathy as Preventative Medicine

At the deepest level homeopathic medicine, used in accordance with the Law of Similars on which homeopathy is based, is preventive as well as curative. Homeopathic remedies do not wade in and “zap” offending organisms, leaving the immune system less able to cope than before. Quite the opposite; they nudge …

Staying Healthy with Homeopathy

As evidenced by the proliferating volume of books, magazines, TV programs and articles on health subjects, an increasing number of people want to take more responsibility for their health. With a constant stream of reports appearing in the press about the dangers of commonly prescribed drugs people are becoming wary …

Homeopathy Uses Dreams

Homeopathic treatment for chronic disease cases begins with a thorough investigation into all aspects of a patient’s life. During the initial interview, the homeopath routinely enquires about dreams (especially childhood dreams, memorable past dreams, recurrent dreams, and nightmares) because dreams have proven to be helpful clinical indicators in many patients’ …

Homeopathy – Holistic Healing

The World Health Organization defines health as being a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, not merely the absence of sickness. It includes • A sense of well-being • Personal freedom • Ability to withstand stress • A reservoir of energy to draw on • Ability to …

Immunity – A Homeopathic View

In biology, immunity is the balanced state of having adequate biological defenses to fight infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion, while having adequate tolerance to avoid inflammation, allergy, and autoimmune diseases. In addition, we all know that chronic stress can weaken the body’s immune system causing us to be …

High Blood Cholesterol

In a previous posting I looked at the fairly common diagnosis of hypertension (high blood pressure) focusing on its relationship to body dehydration. In this issue I want to deal with another common diagnosis – that is the diagnosis of high blood cholesterol. Like high blood pressure, high cholesterol can …

Hypertension (or High Blood Pressure)

High blood pressure (“HBP”) is a common medical diagnosis, especially as we age. Blood pressure is determined by the amount of blood your heart pumps and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries – the higher …